Om Calmark

Anna Söderlund


Anna Söderlund has been CEO of the Company since 1 April 2018 and has previously been external CEO of Calmark since March 2016. Anna has fifteen years of experience in the MedTech industry, including start-up companies and product development, where she has held several senior positions with responsibility for clinical studies, global product launches and international sales at Jolife AB, LMA Ltd and Vivoline AB, among others. Anna is basically a trained nurse. Shareholdings in Calmark Sweden AB: 41,057 Class B shares and 3,000 warrants (TO) and through the wholly owned company Meliorata AB, 209,966 Class B shares, 6,600 Class A shares and 7,062 (TO).

Michael Lundh

Quality Assurance and Regulatory Affairs Director

Michael Lundh har många års erfarenhet från medicinteknikbranschen, främst inom produktutveckling och kvalitetssäkring. Michael är civilingenjör i grunden och har arbetat som frilansande projektledare i cirka 15 år. Sedan våren 2016 har han arbetat för Calmark med projektledning samt QA/RA-frågor och är sedan oktober 2020 anställd som bolagets Quality Assurance and Regulatory Affairs Director. Aktieinnehav i Calmark Sweden AB:  117 997 B-aktier och 11 116 teckningsoptioner (TO).

Jim Hansson

Director of Production & Logistics

Jim Hansson is responsible for Calmark's production and logistics and has worked at the Company since October 2020. Jim has a long and solid experience in the medical technology field including continuous product development, production customization, logistics/distribution as well as sourcing, inventory optimization, supplier evaluations and Quality Assurance in accordance with ISO 13485. Shareholding in Calmark Sweden AB: 14,246 Class B shares and 3,270 warrants (TO).

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